Zambian Government to reduce Poverty through Fisheries in Western

Zambian Government to reduce Poverty through Fisheries in Western

By Elvis Milambo


Western Province Permanent Secretary, Mwangala Liomba says government’s ultimate desire is to eradicate poverty in Western province through fisheries projects that improve people’s lives. Mr. Liomba was speaking when Dr. Jemimah Njuki of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Nairobi, Kenya paid a courtesy call at his office in Mongu.

From left to right: Dr. Nyambe Lisulo Mkandawire,Dr. Jemimah Njuki, Mr.Mwangala                 Liomba, Dr.Alexander Shula Kefi, Mr. Alex Chilala and Mr. Gethings Chisule. This was at the     Provincial administration offices when they went to see the Permanent Secretary for                    Western Province.

The Permanent Secretary told NAIS in Mongu today that the Zambian government will support efforts to reduce fish losses in the Barotse flood plain under the Cultivate Africa’s Future (CultiAF) Project because fishing is the main livelihood of people in Western Province.

Mr. Liomba also said fish stocks have been depleted in the Barotse flood plain and called for sustainable fishing methods among fishers in fishing communities.

Speaking during the same event, Dr. Njuki said the CultiAF research is aimed reducing fish losses in western province through utilization of new technologies being introduced on the research and that the project has the potential of helping people in other parts of the country where similar challenges exist.


Dr. Njuki is in the country to visit some CultiAF research sites in the Barotse flood plain in Western Province, Zambia.

The research is being funded by Canada‘s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Centre (ACIAR) at a cost of CA$ 1,596,900.

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